Parish Council meetings scheduled for the 2024-25 year are:

March 31, 2024 (STV)
April 21, 2024 (STV)
May 19, 2024 (STV)
June 16, 2024 (STV)
July 21, 2024 (STV)
August 25, 2024 (STV)
September 29, 2024 (STV)
October 27, 2024 (STV)
November 24, 2024 (STV)
December 22, 2024 (STV)
January 26, 2025 (STV)
February 23, 2025 (AM)

STV = at St. Vladimir's (after the weekly parish meal)
CC = Conference Call (generally evenings, but these times can vary - contact Fr. Gregory or Jack for exact details)
AM = Annual Meeting

Archbishop Peter asks parish council members to be an example of pious spiritual life for the other parishioners, attending services for the Great Feasts if at all possible, and otherwise supporting the parish and its efforts to bring Orthodox Christianity to our friends and neighbors to the greatest extent possible.

St. Vladimir's Parish Family members are welcome to attend these meetings or to discuss issues they deem important with Fr. Gregory, Jack, or any Parish Council member. Deviations from this schedule are posted on the St. Vladimir home page in the "Announcements" section.

Those who would like to review Parish Council minutes or Annual Meeting minutes are asked to contact Fr. Gregory or Jack. Minutes may be reviewed by any St. Vladimir parish member.

2024-25 Parish Council Members

Priest Gregory Joyce, Rector
Starosta: Jack (Alexey) Mitchell (1st year of 3-year term)
Treasurer: Mikhail Fisenkov
Secretary: Marina Edwards

Head Brother (elected by St. John Brotherhood): Mark Kaphaem
Head Sister (elected by St. Ksenia Sisterhood): Ksenia Nikulshina

Parish Council Trustees:

Elena Alvarez
Dimitry Knysh
Subdeacon Michael Marsh
Igor Obertas
Konstantin Poplavksy
Anri Sorel

2024-25 Auditing Committee:

Ekaterina Golondareva
Deacon Vladimir Pyrozhenko
Joanna Skalitzky

Additional information regarding the Parish Council is below.

Make a Suggestion - How to Improve our Parish?

Normal Parish Bylaws

Organizational Chart - Normal Parish Bylaws

Rights and Duties of Parish Rectors

Instructions to Church Wardens

Sisterhood Statutes

Brotherhood Statutes