Welcome to the Home Page of St. Vladimir Church! 

Today's Date According to the Church (Old) Calendar:

Regular Services:
Saturday Vigil: 6:00 p.m. (Except Pascha)
Sunday Divine Liturgy: 10:00 a.m. (Except Pascha)

Full Service Schedule:

Phone: (734) 475-4590
Address: 9900 Jackson Rd., Dexter, MI 48130-9426
Click for Directions | Google Map

All Parish Work Day is Every Second Saturday: Next is February 11 
9/2/23, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Brotherhood, Sisterhood, Clergy, Choir – EVERYONE! We all need to chip in an take care of the property the Lord has given to us, just as we all need to work together to execute our beautiful Divine Services. Please mark your calendars now for every second Saturday of the month for an all-parish work day. Every season. Every month. Inside. Outside. Always every second Saturday starting at 10:00 a.m. please plan to join us to pitch in as we make our parish shine as the House of God that it is! Invite friends! Everyone is welcome! And it just isn’t fair to expect that “someone else” will do this. We all own our parish in that the Lord has given us to be here. And we all share the responsibility that He has given us to care for His House.


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House Blessing Time – Make Your Appointment Now! 
9/2/23, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Each year following the feast of the Theophany (the Lord’s Baptism – January 19) it is a traditional and pious custom to have one’s home blessed by the priest. Homes are blessed at St. Vladimir’s until the beginning of Great Lent as a rule. Please visit this link to make an appointment:


Please contact Fr. Gregory or Fr. Colin to schedule a house blessing if the times listed do not work for you. Homes can be blessed through the 5th week of Great Lent if need be. If you live far from St. Vladimir’s please consult with those other parishioners of St. Vladimir’s who live near you so that you can all have your homes blessed on the same day. Congratulations to all with the feast of our Lord’s Baptism!
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Marriage Retreat - Register NOW!  
8/2/23, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

With Archbishop Peter’s blessing our St. Vladimir parish is sponsoring a one-day marriage retreat on Saturday, February 12/25, 2023 with the topic: “Effectively Communicating with and Praying for your Spouse”.

All couples, including those considering marriage, are urged to participate!

This is about care and maintenance of the Church’s core social foundational entity. If our marriages are strong our families will be strong! And if our families are strong our parish will be strong! And if our parishes are strong the Church will be strong! Do your part to make the Church strong by registering today for our parish marriage retreat:


The retreat will be led by our own Addie Lanterman, along with her professional colleague Amanda Vergin. DO NOT MISS!
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First Week of Great Lent Schedule 
8/2/23, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

The schedule of services for the first week of Great Lent at STV is available at the link below. Standard services to attend are the Monday-Friday evening services, Liturgy on Saturday, Vigil on Saturday, and Liturgy on Sunday. Yes - that is a lot! And maybe you won't make it to EVERY one. But if we don't tell you what to shoot for you'll never make it. May the Lord grant us all to begin Great Lent with zeal, and to carry that zeal into the entire Lenten period and beyond!



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Weekly Educational Offering - Prepare for the Coming Sunday! 
8/2/23, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

We present here a short educational offering for both children and adults on the upcoming Sunday's principle Gospel reading so that all can better prepare for the Divine Services. Parents are asked to review the children’s portion with their children. It is very important for us to attend the Divine Services on Sundays and whenever else we are able, but in addition it is our spiritual responsibility to educate ourselves and our families in the faith. It is our hope that this mid-week offering will be an aid in this regard. Please contact Fr. Gregory with questions or suggestions.

For Various Ages: from the Antiochian Archdiocese

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Lots of Matthew 25 Updates! 
7/2/23, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

A LOT has been happening! Updates, how to help, how to financially support, and why that all matters can be found on the Matthew 25 web page - join us to fulfill the Lord's Admonition that we serve those in need!


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Reception in Honor of St. Gregory the Theologian is February 9 
7/2/23, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Fr. Gregory, Elizabeth, Maria, Michael, and Natalia invite everyone to their home to celebrate Fr. Gregory’s name’s day on February 9 beginning at 6:00 p.m. Their home is located at 3566 Joanna Ct., Saline, MI 48176. Fr. Gregory is named in honor of St. Gregory the Theologian, who is celebrated on January 25/February 7 each year. Please join us!
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Liturgy Canceled 2/7/23 
6/2/23, 10:30 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory


It pains me greatly to have to cancel Liturgy for my own name’s day, but unfortunately I have to do that. I went to the doctor today for ear pain and was confirmed with my first ear infection since childhood. I had hoped that I would feel well enough, having started antibiotics, to serve. But I am still feeling quite ill, and there are people coming from quite a distance tomorrow for Liturgy. I don’t want those visitors to drive a long way to come to a locked church. So I need to decide tonight, and unfortunately I have to choose to cancel. :(

I ask your forgiveness and your prayers! We still hope to see all of you at our house on Thursday evening at 6 pm to celebrate my name’s day together as a parish family!

In Christ,

Fr. Gregory
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6/2/23, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory


ONE: Open House in Honor of St. Gregory the Theologian is Thursday – ALL INFORMATION

TWO: Annual Tax Letters are Ready! Pick them up at church, or contact our Treasurer AT THIS LINK

THREE: Annual Meeting is February 19 – ALL INFORMATION


FIVE: Annual Blini is February 19 – Buy Tickets/Learn More Now

See you soon at STV!

Fr. Gregory
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Monday First Things - Teachings of the Holy Fathers 
6/2/23, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Therefore, be brave and strong in the Lord, and don’t let your eagerness flag. Rather, keep seeking and crying out constantly, regardless of whether you receive anything or not.

Monastic Wisdom: The Letters of Venerable Joseph the Hesychast
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