13/12/14, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Starosta’s cornerPosted by Fr. Gregory
volume 1, issue 4
Saturday, December 13, 2014
St. Andrew the First Called
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!
Congratulations on this wonderful holiday. I’m actually starting the letter before the first star, so technically, unless I get really carried away and I’m not done before midnight, this might be more accurately called the eve of the holiday, nevertheless, God willing, many of you will read this on the day we celebrate St. Andrew. It is a wonderful day for this note to be read.
St. Andrew and his brother St. Peter were called by our Lord to be “fishers of men.” It is often hard to avoid being ensnared by the whirlwind of nets cast by the secular world, but perhaps we can use the time to strive to be among those caught in the salvific nets cast by this great saint.
During this month in particular we’re bombarded by media urging us to “spend, spend, spend”, and we can get caught up in the whirlwind...we can get caught up, but we don’t have to get caught up. We are fasting because we are preparing ourselves for the celebration of the Nativity, and preparation is about practice and training.
So let’s step back a bit and think about what we can do to really make an inner difference, to change ourselves for the better. For me stepping back and thinking has been in large part an exercise in prayer and reflection on this past year.
Read the reminder of the Starosta's Corner at the link below: