28/11/23, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Each year around the Thanksgiving Holiday we have two special collections in our parish to assist those in need. We thank God prayerfully for His bounty towards us, and we thank Him materially by helping those who are struggling in this life.
On the Sunday AFTER Thanksgiving (Sunday, November 26) we have a collection to support our Diocesan Fund for those in Need. Archbishop Peter is often approached for help – this fund allows him to help those who are appealing to him in their time of difficulty.
On the second Sunday AFTER Thanksgiving (this coming Sunday, December 3) we have a collection to support International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC). IOCC is the clearinghouse charity for all Orthodox Churches in North America. They provide help to all in need in North American and throughout the world – regardless of their confession of faith.
Both these collections will take place in the church at the end of the Liturgy, as we receive the antidron. If you would like to support either of these collection you can do that here (please specify the reason for your donation):
If you would prefer not to use the on-line tools please contact our Treasurer, Mikhail Fisenkov, at treasurer@stvladimiraami.org.