Welcome to the Home Page of St. Vladimir Church! 

Today's Date According to the Church (Old) Calendar:

Regular Services:
Saturday Vigil: 6:00 p.m. (Except Pascha)
Sunday Divine Liturgy: 10:00 a.m. (Except Pascha)

Full Service Schedule:

Phone: (734) 475-4590
Address: 9900 Jackson Rd., Dexter, MI 48130-9426
Click for Directions | Google Map

Brotherhood Feast Day is this Sunday! 
27/6/23, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

The coming Sunday marks the annual feast day of the patron saint of our parish Brotherhood, St. John of Shanghai & San Francisco. Please plan to join us for the celebration! Service times are as usual: Saturday 6:00 p.m. and Sunday 10:00 a.m. Weather permitting we'll have a procession after Liturgy on Sunday according to our parish tradition. All are welcome! Learn more about St. John and our Brotherhood (and how you can join us!) at the Brotherhood web page:


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No Services Tuesday or Wednesday 
26/6/23, 10:30 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory


Please note that we’ll need to cancel services Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning and evening this week. We (mostly Fr. Colin – I was of little help honestly) cleaned the altar ceiling today. In order to do that we had to move everything in the altar, set up drop cloths, etc. Once that work was done it became clear that we needed to paint. So rather than putting everything back in the altar, serving Tuesday/Wednesday, then taking everything back out, putting all the drop cloths up and down several times, etc., it just makes sense to paint right away. So the good news is: the altar will be fully painted for the weekend. The bad new is: no services Tuesday or Wednesday. Thank you for your understanding. Please pass the word to anyone you know – or even suspect – was planning to attend the services. The parish schedule has been UPDATED HERE.

Fr. Gregory
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26/6/23, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory


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Please Note - Deviation from Normal Liturgy Times 
26/6/23, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

We haven't published the July schedule yet, but we wanted to call your attention to a few days when we will deviate from our usual service times in the coming month.

July 7: Liturgy begins at 7:00 a.m.
July 12: Liturgy begins at 7:00 a.m.
July 17: Liturgy begins at 9:00 a.m.
July 27: Vigil begins at 5:00 p.m.
July 28: Liturgy begins at 9:00 a.m.
July 30: Liturgy begins at 9:00 a.m.

We know you'll want to note these changes because WE KNOW that no one wants to be late to church! The ideal is that, before the services begin we have lit our candles, arranged prosphora, etc., and that when the clergy begin the service we are standing in our place and ready to glorify God in His House with our undivided attention.
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Monday First Things - Teachings of the Holy Fathers 
26/6/23, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

“...there is no other path of salvation like this one, remote from every delusion and action of the enemy. And if someone truly desires to be saved and find our sweet Jesus soon, he should have obedience.”

Monastic Wisdom: The Letters of Elder Joseph the Hesychast
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Scripture Reading for the Coming Week 
25/6/23, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

"This is the cause of all evils: the ignorance of the Scriptures. We go into battle without arms, and how ought we to come off safe?" -St. John Chrysostom, Homily IX on Colossians.

In order to help increase the general knowledge of scripture in our parish family we present here for your edification the scripture readings for the coming week. At least one Gospel Reading and one Epistle reading are assigned for each day of the year (although during Great Lent the readings are from the Old Testament). Hearing or reading only those readings appointed for Sunday merely scratches the surface of the great spiritual wealth that the scriptures provide us. Some of the readings are easily understandable – others are less so. As Orthodox Christians we do not make private interpretation of scripture, but rather consult the fathers of the Church for their explanations to aid us in our understanding. Those wishing to have access to such explanations are asked to contact Fr. Gregory or inquire in the kiosk for further reading in this regard. Bibles may also be acquired in the kiosk.

Monday: Romans 9:18-33 & Matthew 11:2-15
Tuesday: Romans 10:11-11:2 & Matthew 11:16-20
Wednesday: Romans 11:2-12 & Matthew 11:20-26
Thursday: Romans 11:13-24 & Matthew 11:27-30
Friday: Romans 11:25-36 & Matthew 12:1-8
Saturday: Romans 6:11-17 & Matthew 8:14-23

Ïîíåäåëüíèê: Ðèì. 9:18-33 è îò Ìàòôåÿ 11:2-15
Âòîðíèê: Ðèì. 10:11-11:2 è îò Ìàòôåÿ 11:16-20
Ñðåäà: Ðèì. 11:2-12 è îò Ìàòôåÿ 11:20-26
×åòâåðã: Ðèì. 11:13-24 è îò Ìàòôåÿ 11:27-30
Ïÿòíèöà: Ðèì. 11:25-36 è îò Ìàòôåÿ 12:1-8
Ñóááîòà: Ðèì. 6:11-17 è îò Ìàòôåÿ 8:14-23

Please find below several very nice articles on how to read the scripture from an Orthodox point of view.

By St. Justin (Popovich)

By Bishop Kalistos (Ware)

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Sunday Divine Liturgy on Now! 
25/6/23, 10:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Tonight's Liturgy is live now at following link:


Please remember - the stream only broadcasts live services. If you would like to listen to previously recorded and edited services please visit our sound blog:


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Sunday Publications Available Now 
25/6/23, 08:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Our parish Sunday publications are available now at the link below. Find our Prayer List, "Good News", and "Sunday Reading", plus other parish publications!

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Confession & Communion at St. Vladimir’s + Rule to Prepare for Communion 
25/6/23, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Confession and Communion are the two sacraments we most often partake of as Orthodox Christians and thus it behooves us to learn about these, how to prepare for these, and how to best take advantage of the Grace that our Lord freely gives us in these sacraments. At St. Vladimir’s we have created a special web site for this purpose with much information in this regard. Please find the web site listed below and please contact Fr. Gregory with questions!



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Vigil Live Stream on Now! 
24/6/23, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Tonight's Vigil is live now at following link:


Please remember - the stream only broadcasts live services. If you would like to listen to previously recorded and edited services please visit our sound blog:


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