26/2/23, 11:59 PM

We congratulate all our parish family on the beginning of the Holy and Great Lent! This is a special time of year for all of us when we put away the cares of this world to the greatest extent possible and in a much more focused way examine our consciences, forgive each other, and seek forgiveness from our merciful Lord. Yesterday the Holy Church commemorated the casting out of Adam from Paradise. In today's Divine Services the first scripture reading is the beginning of Genesis – today is a new beginning for us all. May God grant us all a spiritually fruitful lent as we prepare ourselves for the feast of feasts – the Glorious Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Please find here the prayer of St. Ephraim. This prayer is said at every weekday Divine Service of Great Lent and it is common practice to include this prayer in our daily home prayers as well: