5/5/22, 06:00 PM

Wait! Didn't we go to the graves last Sunday? Indeed we did! And we planned to visit the graves of our friends and loved ones in our parish cemetery on the Day of Rejoicing. But it rained. Hard. Too hard to make that visit. So we'll do it on Sunday with a full cross procession after the Divine Liturgy!
Then: we'll have our meal, prepared by our St. John Brotherhood. Why? Because this is the Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women and it is our parish tradition for the brothers to cook and clean on this day. You don't want to miss this meal!
Then: we'll have our regularly scheduleD parish council meeting. You can find out MORE ABOUT PARISH COUNCIL HERE.
AND: it is Mother's Day in America too! What better gift could you give your mother than to be in church on this day, praying for her, and bringing her too if that is possible? That is a rhetorical question - there is NO BETTER GIFT!
Please join us as your personal schedule allows!