30/12/14, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
We congratulate all our parish family with the beginning of the yearly Lenten period preceding the feast of our Lord’s Nativity! This Lenten period begins November 28 each year and runs until January 7 – the feast of our Lord’s Nativity. This Lenten period is much less stringent than Great Lent. During this fast, as usual, we abstain from meat and dairy products. But fish is allowed on many days. Please consult our parish schedule (linked below) for more details on the culinary aspects of fasting. Of course, the culinary fast is a tool to aid us spiritually to prepare for our Lord’s Nativity – it is not an end unto itself. If you have not fasted in the past please consult Fr. Gregory, Fr. Michael, or Fr. Joseph for practical advice on how to be successful in fasting. Fasting a very important way that we place ourselves in obedience to the Church, the Ark of our salvation, and extraordinarily helpful in our spiritual struggle to draw nearer to our Lord at this special time of year.Posted by Fr. Gregory
http://www.stvladimiraami.org/calendars ... lendar.pdf
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