11/11/22, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Inspired by the incredible work of Fr. Vladimir Klimzo in Russia, and with the understanding that here in American the vast majority (perhaps up to 80% according to some studies) of families with special needs children or adult children do not attend church – ALTHOUGH THEY WOULD LIKE TO – we need to reestablish our Special Needs Ministry at St. Vladimir’s. We put this on hold for the pandemic. Surely there is no reason to wait any longer – we need to get back to work! Can you help? Please contact Fr. Gregory if you can. Not sure what to do? DO NOT WORRY! If you have a desire to help special needs children and adults, and their parents, you know all you need to know. The more experience you have with folks with special needs the better – but your desire to serve others in the name of Christ is what counts. We can teach you the rest!
Join us in providing a spiritual home for those seeking one, but struggling to connect with a parish family! Attend the services. Support those visiting. If we do our best, and we ask the Lord's blessing, we will do well.