Ordination of Subdeacon Dmitri Mihaliov: Daily Services
13/8/22, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Our Subdeacon Dmitri Mihaliov will be ordained a deacon on the feast of the Prophet Micah, this August 27 at St. Vladimir’s.
First, we ask your prayers for Subdeacon Dmitri, Katherine, and Simeon - that the Lord will bless them all as Subdeacon Dmitri enters the deaconate to serve our parish family.
Second, we ask you to be attentive to the fact that beginning August 28 we will have daily evening services at 6:00 p.m. and daily Divine Liturgy at 8:00 a.m. through September 5.
Please participate in these special Divine Services as your schedule allows, but try to attend at least one of the Divine Services during this time in support of Subdeacon Dmitri and for the good of your salvation.
Congratulations to Subdeacon Dmitri on his upcoming ordination! May the Lord grant him many years of service in His Holy Church!