22/1/25, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Congratulations on the feast of the Lord’s Baptism!
In fact, this feast is MUCH MORE than the Lord’s Baptism – it is in fact the feast of “God Appears”, that is, Theophany, Epiphany, Áîãîÿâëåíèå. All those words mean the same thing: God Appears. And this is because it is not just Jesus Christ being baptized in the Jordan by St. John the Baptist, but rather, the Holy Spirit also descends in the form of a dove, and the voice of the Father is heard. That is, our God, the Holy Trinity, appears to mankind. We do not worship some far away and unknown deity – we worship the True God – the Holy Trinity – One God in Three Hypostases (Persons). The God who is Love, in the words of St. John the Theologian.