22/1/15, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Please find the schedule of services for the first week of Great Lent at St. Vladimir's at the link below:Posted by Fr. Gregory
http://stvladimiraami.org/flyers/firstw ... tflyer.pdf
Please join us for as many of these services as your schedule allows! It is important to get a good start to Great Lent so that we utilize the precious few days of this special time of year to the greatest extent possible for our spiritual good. This is why we have many services the first week - to allow such a good start for all our parish family!
PLEASE NOTE: The unique liturgical character of Great Lent is found in the non-Sunday services of this time of year. Thus, all are urged, to the greatest extent possible, to attend the weekday services in addition to the Sunday services. It is understood that not every parishioner can attend every service. But we do hope that many parishioners make a special effort to attend as many of the weekday services as they can.
Please contact Fr. Gregory or Fr. Michael with questions about this or other spiritual matters.