10/1/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Those who have had a chance to look at this year's annual calendar have no doubt noticed that Great Lent is coming soon! That is not a bad thing by any means, and it is good for us in a way to see those Lenten days coming and to prepare for them. A few things to note:Posted by Fr. Gregory
- the schedule for the first week will include three days of the full cycle of services beginning at 8:00 a.m.: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
- we will hold our Great Lenten Lecture Series again this year. We are working out details with our keynote speaker and once we have done that we will release the full schedule of lectures. As always there will be a lecture each of the Sundays of Great Lent.
- Vespers will be held on Sundays after the Great Lenten Lecture on March 1, 15, and 29. This is a very beautiful service that transitions us liturgically from the weekend back to the Great Lenten weekday paradigm, including the chanting of the Great Prokimenon. This will be the first year that we serve this service and we invite all to participate!
- we intend to serve Presanctified Liturgies on most Wednesday evenings and Friday mornings of the fast – more details to come soon
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