Welcome to the Home Page of St. Vladimir Church! 

Today's Date According to the Church (Old) Calendar:

Regular Services:
Saturday Vigil: 6:00 p.m. (Except Pascha)
Sunday Divine Liturgy: 10:00 a.m. (Except Pascha)

Full Service Schedule:

Phone: (734) 475-4590
Address: 9900 Jackson Rd., Dexter, MI 48130-9426
Click for Directions | Google Map

Monday First Things: Teachings of the Holy Fathers 
26/2/18, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

If you do good, you must do it only for God. For this reason you must pay no attention to the ingratitude of people. Expect a reward not here, but from the Lord in heaven. If you expect it here — it will be in vain and you will endure deprivation.

+ St. Ambrose of Optina, Living Without Hypocrisy: Spiritual Counsels of the Holy Elders of Optina
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Great Compline Live Stream 
22/2/18, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Please join us for a live broadcast of today's Great Compline with the reading of the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the following link:


Please remember - the stream only broadcasts live services. If you would like to listen to previously recorded and edited services please visit our sound blog:

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Great Compline Live Stream 
21/2/18, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Please join us for a live broadcast of today's Great Compline with the reading of the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the following link:


Please remember - the stream only broadcasts live services. If you would like to listen to previously recorded and edited services please visit our sound blog:

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Great Compline Live Stream 
20/2/18, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Please join us for a live broadcast of today's Great Compline with the reading of the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the following link:


Please remember - the stream only broadcasts live services. If you would like to listen to previously recorded and edited services please visit our sound blog:

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First Week of Great Lent Schedule 
19/2/18, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Today is the first day of Great Lent. The schedule of services for the first week of Great Lent at St. Vladimir's can be found here:

http://stvladimiraami.org/flyers/firstw ... tflyer.pdf

Please join us as your personal schedule allows, but please also push yourself a bit. This is a special week - a week that helps us build momentum on the spiritual journey that is Great Lent!
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Food Collection for those in Need this Sunday 
17/2/18, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

As a continuation of our Souperbowl efforts last Sunday we will again collect non-perishable food this Sunday after Liturgy. Please bring such foods with you to donate to those in need when you come to St. Vladimir's this Sunday!l
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Forgiveness Sunday is February 18 – Time to Make Plans – Do Not Miss! 
15/2/18, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

One of the most important Sundays of the Church Year is coming up soon. This is Forgiveness Sunday – the day before Great Lent begins. This year Forgiveness Sunday is February 18. ALL ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS SHOULD ATTEND LITURGY AND VESPERS AFTER LITURGY THIS DAY. On this day, immediately after Divine Liturgy, we liturgically begin Great Lent with the beautiful, meaningful, and incredibly necessary Forgiveness Vespers. At this service (which is not long – less than an hour) we hear the beautiful words of the Lenten Triodian calling us to repentance and spiritual struggle during Great Lent. But even more importantly – we perform the order of forgiveness where each of us bows down before the other and sincerely asks forgiveness for all the offenses, known and unknown, that we have caused to our brothers and sisters in Christ. As the Lord tells us in the Gospel: “Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.” (Matthew 5:23-24) Our gift to God during Great Lent is our spiritual struggle. But that gift will be unaccepted if we do not first forgive/reconcile with our parish family members. Let us make our gift acceptable and begin Great Lent by forgiving each other at Forgiveness Vespers February 18!
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Ice Cream Ice Skate is this Sunday! 
14/2/18, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Please join us for our last ice cream before Great Lent begins, BUT FIRST: we skate! More information at the flyer below - DO NO MISS!

http://stvladimiraami.org/flyers/icecre ... te2018.pdf
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Weekly Educational Offering - Prepare for the Coming Sunday!  
14/2/18, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

We present here a short educational offering for both children and adults on the upcoming Sunday's principle Gospel reading so that all can better prepare for the Divine Services. Parents are asked to review the children’s portion with their children. It is very important for us to attend the Divine Services on Sundays and whenever else we are able, but in addition it is our spiritual responsibility to educate ourselves and our families in the faith. It is our hope that this mid-week offering will be an aid in this regard. Please contact Fr. Gregory with questions or suggestions.

For Adults: an explanation of this coming Sunday's Gospel reading from Blessed Theophylact:


For children, from the Antiochian Archdiocese (various age groups):

http://www.antiochian.org/sites/default ... 2-18-a.pdf
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Meeting of the Lord is Thursday! 
13/2/18, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory


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