Welcome to the Home Page of St. Vladimir Church! 

Today's Date According to the Church (Old) Calendar:

Regular Services:
Saturday Vigil: 6:00 p.m. (Except Pascha)
Sunday Divine Liturgy: 10:00 a.m. (Except Pascha)

Full Service Schedule:

Phone: (734) 475-4590
Address: 9900 Jackson Rd., Dexter, MI 48130-9426
Click for Directions | Google Map

End of Year Donations for Tax Purposes  
26/12/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Dear St. Vladimir’s Parishioners! We would like to urge you to consider whether making a donation to the parish before December 31, 2015 would be helpful for you as you consider your tax liability for the year 2015. Donations to St. Vladimir Church are deductible to the greatest extent allowable by law. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions in this regard. It is also very important that your address be up to date in our parish database. If you have moved this year please contact our parish Secretary, Alexandre Alexandrov, with your new address.

-Nathan (Nathaniel) Longan, Starosta (starosta@stvladimiraami.org)
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Congratulations to those Celebrating Today! 
25/12/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
We congratulate all our parish friends and family who are celebrating the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ today. Although we will not celebrate for 13 days as a parish we understand that most of our society is celebrating today - and whether you celebrate today or in 13 days it is still remarkable and noteworthy that more than 2000 years after the birth of the Savior the world notes His Incarnation on this day. May this be the year that the hymn of the angels heard all those centuries ago over Bethlehem be actualized in our world: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, goodwill and peace.”

Full Schedule of Nativity Services at St. Vladimir's:

http://stvladimiraami.org/flyers/nativi ... eflyer.pdf
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A Pastoral Word 
24/12/15, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
It is important for us as a parish family to welcoming. To be family friendly. To be child friendly. I think we are all of those things, although this is something we have to work on continually. So we can always be better than we are with God's help. And we need to ask His help too. So please do pray that the Lord will keep on sending us more and more families to join our parish family – and that we will find a balance between prayerfulness, good order at the Divine Services, and being family friendly.

These things are not mutually exclusive, but if any one of them gets out of balance the whole thing can come crashing down. Friday night at Vigil it was a little crazy. The kids were a bit out of control. And that means that things were out of balance. And thus there was not prayerfulness and good order.

This is not to say we don't love children and that we don't want families to come to church. Of course we do! It would be a complete misreading of this note to understand this in any other way. But it is up to the parents to make sure that things don't get out of control. A few squawks or squeaks are not a problem of course. A little moving around is just fine. Screaming and running around during the services, though, is clearly not what we are shooting far as regards balance.

I am a father. My kids were young once. So they made some noise. We don't want someone with a child that is a little fussy to feel that they must flee. That is silly and counter productive to our mission of spreading the Orthodox Faith! The voice of children is in effect the voice of the choir warming up for our funerals. But screaming or even constant talking by the older kids really can't be considered OK. If infants or toddlers – a little break to allow some energy to be worked out is fine. For older kids – the parents have to step in. We really do love kids. But kids need guidance. And that guidance can't really come from someone else. It has to come from parents.

So – as we have just celebrated the feast of one of the great favorites of God – the patron saint of children – let's tall take some time to reflect a little bit. To consider what our role as parents is as regards having our kids in church. First and foremost: we must have our kids in church! Not in the kitchen. Not outside. Not in the nursery (which is for nursing mothers and toddlers). Secondly: we must help them to behave appropriately. And it would not be a bad idea at all to ask the prayers of St. Nicholas in this regard.

Let's all work together so that we can find the balance between prayerfulness, good order at the Divine Services, and being family friendly. I know we can do it with our sincere effort, the intercessions of St. Nicholas, and the merciful Lord's Grace. It is good that we have this problem. Many parishes wish they had the problem of having many kids in church. But I think we can do it right – so we strike the right balance. May the Lord grant it!

Fr. Gregory
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St. Herman of Alaska Tonight and Tomorrow 
24/12/15, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Tomorrow marks the annual feast day of America's first saint: Venerable Herman of Alaska. At St. Vladimir's we will make the feast with Vespers & Matins tonight at 6:00 p.m. THERE WILL BE NO LITURGY TOMORROW AT ST. VLADIMIR'S! Rather, we will join our brothers and sisters in Christ at the St. Herman of Alaska parish in Lake Odessa, MI for their feast day. Liturgy there begins at 10:00 a.m. More information and directions can be found at their parish web site:

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Join our Text Message/SMS List 
24/12/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Join our text message/SMS list now!

Send a text from your cell to this number:


Text this message:


We won't even know your number – just that you want to receive texts with news and updates from St. Vladimir's like: schedule changes, inclement weather cancellations, important announcements, etc.

Join the text message/SMS list today to keep as up to date as you possibly can on everything happening at St. Vladimir's!
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End of Year Donations for Tax Purposes 
22/12/15, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Dear St. Vladimir’s Parishioners! We would like to urge you to consider whether making a donation to the parish before December 31, 2015 would be helpful for you as you consider your tax liability for the year 2015. Donations to St. Vladimir Church are deductible to the greatest extent allowable by law. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions in this regard. It is also very important that your address be up to date in our parish database. If you have moved this year please contact our parish Secretary, Alexandre Alexandrov, with your new address.

-Nathan (Nathaniel) Longan, Starosta (starosta@stvladimiraami.org)
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Fr. Gregory Needs Help – with Editing 
22/12/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Our audio and video ministry is big and it is important. But it is difficult from a time perspective for Fr. Gregory to do all the editing of these files before they are posted. This is not hard work, and in fact it is quite pleasant work (Fr. Gregory states that he likes to do this – but there is simply not ample time to do this as quickly as it needs to be done). Can you help? Would you be willing to spend an hour or two per week editing the raw audio and video files we generate into publishable work? This is a great way for one or two of our parishioners to execute a ministry that really MAKES A DIFFERENCE to so many both within our parish family and all over the world. Thank you for your consideration. Please contact Fr. Gregory if you can help or if you would like to learn more!
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Raffle Tickets to Benefit the Diocesan Center Available but Limited 
21/12/15, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Our Diocesan Cathedral of the Protection of the Mother of God is sponsoring a raffle to support the building of the Diocesan Center. This center will house the diocesan offices, living quarters for Bishop Peter, and other needed administrative and programming space for the diocese. Each ticket costs $50 and the grand prize is $2,000 cash or ground arrangements for Bishop Peter's upcoming pilgrimage to the Holy Land (May-June 2016). Please contact Karl Meyer or Fr. Gregory to learn more or to purchase a ticket. Please help out if you can by buying a raffle ticket or two!

More information:

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Nativity Lent began November 28 
21/12/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
We congratulate all our parish family with the beginning of the yearly Lenten period preceding the feast of our Lord’s Nativity! This Lenten period begins November 28 each year and runs until January 7 – the feast of our Lord’s Nativity. This Lenten period is much less stringent than Great Lent. During this fast, as usual, we abstain from meat and dairy products. But fish is allowed on many days. Please consult our parish schedule (linked below) for more details on the culinary aspects of fasting. Of course, the culinary fast is a tool to aid us spiritually to prepare for our Lord’s Nativity – it is not an end unto itself. If you have not fasted in the past please consult Fr. Gregory or Fr. Michael for practical advice on how to be successful in fasting. Fasting a very important way that we place ourselves in obedience to the Church, the Ark of our salvation, and extraordinarily helpful in our spiritual struggle to draw nearer to our Lord at this special time of year.

http://www.stvladimiraami.org/calendars ... lendar.pdf
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St. Sabbas the Sanctified & St. Nicholas 
18/12/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Today marks the feast of St. Sabbas the Sanctified. At St. Vladimir's we will celebrate with a molben this evening at 5:00 p.m. Note the unusual start time. We start early because at 6:00 p.m. we begin the vigil for St. Nicholas. Liturgy for St. Nicholas, which will be a Children's Liturgy, begins at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, December 19. Please join us as your personal schedule allows and please learn more about St. Sabbas and St. Nicholas at the links below!

St. Sabbas - English:

http://oca.org/saints/lives/2015/12/05/ ... sanctified

St. Sabbas - Russian:


St. Nicholas - English:

http://oca.org/saints/lives/2015/12/06/ ... a-in-lycia

St. Nicholas - Russian:

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