Welcome to the Home Page of St. Vladimir Church! 

Today's Date According to the Church (Old) Calendar:

Regular Services:
Saturday Vigil: 6:00 p.m. (Except Pascha)
Sunday Divine Liturgy: 10:00 a.m. (Except Pascha)

Full Service Schedule:

Phone: (734) 475-4590
Address: 9900 Jackson Rd., Dexter, MI 48130-9426
Click for Directions | Google Map

St. Olga is Commemorated July 24 – and it is Olga Feyodorovna’s Birthday too! 
23/7/19, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Please join us for the Divine Services for the feast of St. Olga, Equal to the Apostles! In addition to celebrating the name’s day of all our parish Olgas we’ll also mark the birthday of our founder, Olga Feyodorovna Radulovic. All are welcome!


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Vacation Bible School THANK YOU! 
22/7/19, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

What a great week we had at this year’s Vacation Bible School! So many people worked hard to make this week possible – and we don’t want to forget even one. So we will not mention any by name. You know who you are. And if you didn’t have the opportunity help please say a prayer for those who worked so hard to make this a spiritually great week for our parish young people. May the Lord reward the workers 100 fold in this life – and the next – for their work for His Church!


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Monday First Things - Teachings of the Holy Fathers 
22/7/19, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

“It is better to choose a commendable war than peace which separates from God. The faith which I was taught by the Holy Fathers which I taught at all times without adjusting according to the times, this faith I will never stop teaching; I was born with it and I live by it.”

+ St. Gregory the Theologian
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Walk of Life is August 30-September 2 at St. Vladimir’s – YOUR HELP NEEDED! 
19/7/19, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

The Walk of Life, the 20-mile pilgrimage walk sponsored by our Diocesan Youth Committee returns to St. Vladimir’s this Labor Day weekend. YOUR HELP WILL BE NEEDED! We need volunteers to help with safety on the route, to help set up and break down the overnight camping area at Rogers’ farm, to set up the church and execute the Divine Services at Rogers’ farm, to execute the extra services at St. Vladimir’s surrounding this event (Friday evening/Saturday morning and Sunday evening/Monday morning), and more! Please sign up here:


If you have questions please contact Fr. Gregory. Yes – this is only a few weeks ahead of the festival and those who are working hard on the festival should not feel that they need to help with this event. But those who are NOT working hard on the festival SHOULD feel that they need to help with this event – an event that is so important for our parish, deanery, and diocesan youth. Please pitch in – many hands make light work!
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St. Vladimir is Celebrated July 28! 
18/7/19, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Please mark your schedule for St. Vladimir’s Day – the SECOND PASCHA of our parish! Vigil is at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday evening, July 27 with Divine Liturgy at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 28. Yes – St. Vladimir Day is a Sunday this year. Please plan to join us, invite a friend, and celebrate our parish feast day! After the Liturgy: Festal Meal/Parish Picnic in honor of St. Vladimir!

And we’ll have a special guest at St. Vladimir’s Day too – learn more here:


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Moleben Canceled Tonight 
18/7/19, 05:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
A severe thunderstorm blew through Lima Township earlier today. The power is out and trees are down at church. Thankfully there does not appear to be any permanent damage, but we will need to cancel the moleben set for 6:00 p.m. Please spread the word to any you know or suspect were planning to attend. Thank you.

Fr. Gregory
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All English Cycle this Friday/Saturday 
17/7/19, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory




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School Consultant Visits this St. Vladimir's Day 
16/7/19, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Please join us as your personal schedule allows!


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Royal Martyrs - Tonight & Tomorrow 
16/7/19, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory


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Confession & Communion Gudelines 
15/7/19, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

A soft reminder that it is the tradition of the Church that we partake of the sacrament of Confession before we partake of Holy Communion. Those who live less than 30 minutes from the parish, are not very old, very sick, or very young should (and by "should" we mean “must”) confess at Vigil the evening before partaking of Holy Communion. We notice that some folks who DO live more than 30 minutes away are at Vigil regularly – but don’t go to confession then, but rather the morning of the Liturgy. That is just silly! :) Everyone who is at Vigil and plans to partake the next day should confess – no matter where they live. Confession before Liturgy is reserved for those who live far away, those who are very old, very sick, or very young. But if the young, the old, and the sick are at Vigil they should not wait until the next morning! Please contact Fr. Gregory or Fr. Moses with questions, or visit our web page dedicated to this topic, which has LOTS of resources:


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