Welcome to the Home Page of St. Vladimir Church! 

Today's Date According to the Church (Old) Calendar:

Regular Services:
Saturday Vigil: 6:00 p.m. (Except Pascha)
Sunday Divine Liturgy: 10:00 a.m. (Except Pascha)

Full Service Schedule:

Phone: (734) 475-4590
Address: 9900 Jackson Rd., Dexter, MI 48130-9426
Click for Directions | Google Map

Optina Elders Tonight and Tomorrow 
22/10/15, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
The Synaxis of the Optina Elders is celebrated each year on October 10/23. At St. Vlaidmir's we will have services this evening at 6:00 p.m. and tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. Please join us as your personal schedule allows. We congratulate all our parishioners with the feast, and especially those who are celebrating their name's days!
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Marriage and Family Retreat – LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER! 
22/10/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
This is your LAST CHANCE to register for our marriage retreat which will take place the weekend of October 24-25. With the blessing of Bishop Peter, Archpriest David Moser will lead this retreat. Fr. David has been a priest and a family counselor for many years and his insights from both his spiritual and secular work will benefit all our St. Vladimir's families.

Don't think you need this retreat? THINK AGAIN – you do! Join us to strengthen your marriage, to prepare for marriage, and to actively and proactively solve marital issues we ALL have!

To register for what promises to be a really wonderful weekend, please visit this link:

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“The Way” this WINTER at St. Vladimir's – Volunteers Registration Available! 
19/10/15, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
“The Way” is an introduction to Orthodox Christianity for those interested, and a great opportunity for those of us who are already Orthodox to learn more about our faith. Volunteers will be needed to help prepare meals, lead discussion groups at the Tuesday sessions, and help with logistics.

In order to facilitate registration of volunteers we have created this Google Doc – please sign up today:


To learn more about The Way please visit this web site:

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Marriage and Family Retreat – REGISTER NOW! 
19/10/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
We are pleased to announce our Marriage and Family Retreat this year will take place the weekend of October 24-25. We are also pleased to announce that with the blessing of Bishop Peter, Archpriest David Moser will lead this retreat. Fr. David has been a priest and a family counselor for many years and his insights from both his spiritual and secular work will benefit all our St. Vladimir's families.

To register for what promises to be a really wonderful weekend, please visit this link:

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Church School began September 26 – REGISTER TODAY! 
17/10/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Church School began this year on Saturday, September 26. Click on the link below to see why you should register your child immediately:


To register, please visit this Google doc:

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9-12 Year Old Youth Group & Young Adult Group Meet this Sunday 
16/10/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Please note that both our 9-12 year old youth group and our college age/young adult group meets this coming Sunday. Check for more details and a sign up sheet under "Upcoming Activities" on our home page or click on the appropriate link below. Please plan to join us!

9-12 Year Old Group


Young Adult Group

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Diocesan Assembly Starts Today 
15/10/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Today in Chicago the triennial Diocesan Assembly begins. From St. Vladimir's we have three delegates in addition to Fr. Gregory representing our parish:

Mark Chaffee
Nathan Longan
Zhanna Skalitzky

In addition to these three delegates, Karl Meyer, as a member of the Diocesan Council, is automatically a delegate as well. We congratulate all our St. Vladimir's delegates on the beginning of the Diocesan Assembly and ask the prayers of our readers for the successful work of the assembly.
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Protection of the Mother of God is Today 
14/10/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Today the Holy Church celebrates the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God. This is the feast of our Diocesan Cathedral in Des Plaines, IL. At St. Vladimir's we will not have services today since Fr. Gregory (and all the clergy of the diocese) is in Des Plaines for the feast there. However, we present below a short entry on the feast itself, which we recommend to all our readers.




http://oca.org/saints/lives/2015/10/01/ ... d-and-ever
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The Path & Vladcast – We Need YOUR Questions! 
13/10/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Please take a few minutes now and send a note to info@stvladimiraami.org with a question that you would like Fr. Gregory to address in a future edition of The Path or the Vladcast. Your questions are helpful! When we receive them we don't have to guess at what is important to cover – we KNOW what you want to hear because you yourself are telling us. Thank you for submitting your questions to make our podcasts more focused on our parish family's needs!
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No Liturgy Sunday 10/11/15 – Apologies and Challenges 
12/10/15, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
I would like to apologize that we were not able to serve Divine Liturgy at St. Vladimir's on Sunday, October 11. Although my first and most important duty as a priest is to serve the Divine Liturgy in the parish that I am assigned to serve in, there will be times, due to my duties as Dean of our Pastoral School, Dean of our Deanery, or Secretary of the Diocese that I will have to be away on a Sunday. These times are rare, but this particular weekend in October is one of those. Each year there is an academic symposium at Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, NY on this weekend and as the Dean of our Pastoral School I really must be present there. However, it is not acceptable to me that the parish should suffer because of my travels. Thus, in addition to my apology I would like to issue a challenge:

We are the largest parish in our diocese for the second year in a row. That is good. But what that also means is this: we have more than ample personnel to provide our own clergymen for our parish. That is, although it is true that I spoke to quite a few seminarians when I was in Jordanville about coming to our diocese, there is no reason that we as a parish – the largest parish in the diocese – cannot provide ample clergymen for our own needs from among our own parishioners. Thus I am challenging all our men who are canonically eligible for ordination (if you don't know whether you are or not please ask me): please seriously consider how you might serve the Holy Church and our parish as a priest or a deacon. Do not make a decision immediately – but do not tell yourself that you will do this when you find the time. You will never find the time – we need to MAKE the time in our lives for those things that are important. And this is important. We need to nourish our parish family with the Word of God, and with His Body and Blood. The Divine Services are the most important ministry that we as a parish execute. There is no reason that our parish cannot have at least three priests and two deacons serving at the Holy Altar. And this should be our goal – at a minimum. Gentlemen – please pray about this, please discuss with your wife, and please discuss this with me. Being a clergyman is not easy. But as with much in life, even if the work is hard the rewards are great. The time for ordination will not be tomorrow. But it cannot be in ten years or even five years. We need help very soon, and you can provide that help. Not someone else - you. Thank you for your consideration and again, please forgive me that we were not able to serve the Divine Liturgy yesterday at St. Vladimir's.

With Love in our Lord Jesus Christ,

Fr. Gregory
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