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Today's Date According to the Church (Old) Calendar:

Regular Services:
Saturday Vigil: 6:00 p.m. (Except Pascha)
Sunday Divine Liturgy: 10:00 a.m. (Except Pascha)

Full Service Schedule:

Phone: (734) 475-4590
Address: 9900 Jackson Rd., Dexter, MI 48130-9426
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Mid-Pentecost is Wednesday! 
21/5/19, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory


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Congratulations Deacon Vladimir & Family! 
20/5/19, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Congratulations to our Deacon Vladimir Pyrozhenko on being granted tenure by the University of Michigan Regents at their May, 2019 meeting! This is very good news for Fr. Vladimir and his family (and for our parish!), and is indicative of Fr. Vladimir’s excellent academic work. May the Lord grant Fr. Vladimir and his family many years of service in His Vineyard!
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Monday First Things - Teachings of the Holy Fathers 
20/5/19, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

And not many days after,” it says, “the younger son gather all together, and took his journey into a far country” (Luke 15:13). Why did [the Prodigal Son] not set off at once instead of a few days after? The evil prompter, the devil, does not simultaneously suggest to us that we should do what we like and that we should sin. Instead he cunningly beguiles us little by little, whispering, “Even if you live independently without going to God’s Church or listening to the Church teacher, you will still be able to see for yourself what your duty is and not depart from what is good.” When he separates someone from the divine services and obedience to the holy teachers, he also distances him from God’s vigilance and surrenders him to evil deeds. God is everywhere present. Only one thing is far away from His goodness: evil. Being in the power of evil through sin we set off on a journey far away from God. As David says to God, “The evil shall not stand in thy sight” (Ps. 5:5).

+ St. Gregory Palamas
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Monday First Things - Teachings of the Holy Fathers 
13/5/19, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

…and that we might receive the teaching concerning the transcendent nature of the Deity which is given to us, as it were, ‘through a glass darkly’ from the older Scriptures,—from the Law, and the Prophets, and the Sapiential Books, as an evidence of the truth fully revealed to us, reverently accepting the meaning of the things which have been spoken, so as to accord in the faith set forth by the Lord of the whole Scripture, which faith we guard as we received it, word for word, in purity, without falsification, judging even a slight divergence from the words delivered to us an extreme blasphemy and impiety.

+ St. Gregory of Nyssa
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No Cell Phones in Church Please 
11/5/19, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Please be courteous to your fellow worshipers and be sure to turn off your cell phone when entering the church, or at the very least turn the ringer to the vibrate function. When traveling in Russia Fr. Gregory saw this sign: "Those cell phones that ring in church will be submerged in Holy Water!". We will not go that far, but we hope this helps you remember how important it is to turn off your phone...

Thank you for you attention to this important matter!
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Annual Egg Hunt is May 12 - THIS SUNDAY! 
10/5/19, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

We cannot contain the Feast of feasts and the Day of days to just one Sunday! Pascha is celebrated every day from the feast itself until the Ascension of the Lord 40 days later. Please join us on for the Paschal Egg Hunt and other fun activities! Come for Liturgy and stay for all the fun! Mark your calendars now! Invite friends!

If you have plastic eggs that you are willing to donate for the Easter Egg Hunt please bring these to church on Sunday, May 5 or send us a note at info@stvladimiraami.org. The rain date for this activity is May 19.
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Repose of Connie (Elena) Meyer 
10/5/19, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

On May 9 at about 9:00 p.m. Moscow Time the handmaiden of God Connie (Elena) Meyer passed into the next life. Connie was our tireless partner in Moscow in our Russia with Love effort, having come to Moscow as the Soviet Union collapsed and staying for the rest of her life, working closely with the Russian Orthodox Church, especially our friend Fr. Sergey Kiselev. During this time she accepted Orthodox Christianity with the name Elena, and true to her name’s sake, worked tirelessly for the good of the people of God, helping all those in need who came to her, no matter the resources she had on hand (often next to nothing). Connie helped the poorest and most suffering in Moscow - especially during the 1990s when society was in a state of upheaval. Connie came to visit us here in Ann Arbor on several occasions. Here is a photo album of her visit in 2009:


Please remember Elena in your prayers during these days. Her 40th day is June 17. May the Lord grant her His Kingdom!
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Graves in Forest Hill & Glacier Hills Need Help 
10/5/19, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

The priest who led the St. Hilarion Mission in Ann Arbor (the Russian Mission that existed in the 1950-60s) is buried in Forest Hill cemetery. His grave stone and that of his wife Raisa have been vandalized. There is no family left. We need to do something about that. If you can help organize repair or replacement of the stones please see Fr. Gregory. We’ll need to raise money, organize the project, etc. But we need a leader. If you can lead, please see Fr. Gregory. We also have a grave in Glacier Hills that does not have a cross on it. That will be an easier problem to solve. Again – please see Fr. Gregory if you can help.
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St. John Brotherhood in the Kitchen this Sunday 
9/5/19, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Please join us for our annual meal on the Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women (this Sunday, May 12) at which our St. John Brotherhood takes over the kitchen and all aspects of the parish meal, categorically refusing to allow any of our hard-working sisters to help in any way! This is always a great meal, and a great way for all of us to thank those that work so hard the other 50 weeks of the year (the Brotherhood does this on one of the Sundays around the feast of St. Xenia too – this is our Sisterhood’s patron saint). Please plan to join us!
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Monday First Things - Teachings of the Holy Fathers 
6/5/19, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

There is no question about that which is bred in the womb, both growing, and moving from place to place. It remains, therefore, that we must think that the point of commencement of existence is one and the same for body and soul.

+ St. Gregory of Nyssa
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