Welcome to the Home Page of St. Vladimir Church! 

Today's Date According to the Church (Old) Calendar:

Regular Services:
Saturday Vigil: 6:00 p.m. (Except Pascha)
Sunday Divine Liturgy: 10:00 a.m. (Except Pascha)

Full Service Schedule:

Phone: (734) 475-4590
Address: 9900 Jackson Rd., Dexter, MI 48130-9426
Click for Directions | Google Map

Follow us on (and help us with) vKontakte! 
19/6/15, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Follow us on vKontakte! Find us here:


Are you on vKontakte? Would you be willing to help our parish establish a presence there? We want to help those seeking a church home to find us – and we think in addition to our Facebook presence vKontakte will help us with this goal. Please help if you can! Contact Fr. Gregory to learn more.
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Sound of the Parish – All Divine Services, The Path, More! 
19/6/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Have you missed a Divine Service? Or do you know miss one soon? Please know that all Divine Services are posted on our sound blog, Sound of the Parish, at this link:


At that link you can also find The Path, lectures, and other pertinent sound files. Please visit today!
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“The Way” this Fall at St. Vladimir's – Volunteers Needed NOW! 
18/6/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Once we have completed our festival and recovered for a week or so we are going to begin a new program at St. Vladimir's and WE NEED YOUR HELP. This program is called “The Way” and it is an introduction to Orthodox Christianity for those interested, and a great opportunity for those of us who are already Orthodox to learn more about our faith. The Way will be held at St. Vladimir's every Monday at 6:00 p.m. from September 28 through December 14. Yes – that is 12 whole weeks! And we need lots of volunteers. People will be needed to help prepare meals, lead discussion groups at the Monday sessions, and help with logistics. First and foremost we need a leader – someone to oversee the whole thing and organize the volunteers. This will be a great opportunity for our parish to introduce many new people to our Orthodox Faith – if we do it right. And with God's help and our hard work we WILL do it right! Please contact Fr. Gregory if you can help and especially if you are willing to be the leader. We need to get started on this now so when September 28 rolls around our church will be full of excited learners! Please join us as we run The Way! Learn more about the web site below:

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Our Mission Statement 
17/6/15, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Did you know we have a parish mission statement? In fact we do. The Parish Council worked this through several years ago. This is published every Sunday in our weekly bulletin, but in case you haven't seen it lately we post it here.

"The mission of St. Vladimir Orthodox Church is to gather Orthodox Christians of all nationalities and backgrounds, as well as all those desiring to embrace the Orthodox Christian Faith, as a parish family for mutual spiritual support and the salvation of our souls. We strive to emulate in our lives, and especially in our parish family, the relationship between the persons of the Holy Trinity as the highest and most profound example of love."
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Extraordinary Meeting Thank You 
15/6/15, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Thank you to all who made our extraordinary meeting on Sunday, Jun 14 such a success. Reports were heard from our Brotherhood and Church School, and our Starosta, Nathan Longan, gave us updates on our building project and the 2015 parish festival. Alexandre Alexandrov was reelected Secretary of the Parish Council, while Dimitry Knysh and Kurt Stevens were reelected as Parish Council Trustees. Subdeacon Methodius Chwastek and Mark Chaffee were elected as parish representatives to the Diocesan Assembly slated for October 2015. Thank you to all for your willingness to serve the parsih in these important positions! May the Lord give you strength and wisdom with your duties!
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Explanation of the Divine Services 
13/6/15, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
We often say that the Divine Services are the most important ministry that we have at St. Valdimir's. The services are theology in action and very important for our salvation. To help our parishioners better understand the Divine Services, and thus get more out of them, we present this excerpt from the "Law of God" but Fr. Seraphim Slobodskoy. Please see Fr. Gregory or Fr. Michael with questions about this or other spiritual topics.

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Appropriate Attire in Church - Please be Attentive 
13/6/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
During the warm spring and summer months, just as during the cold winter months, we sometimes forget the necessity of dressing appropriately for church services. We include below a helpful guide for appropriate dress in church. Thank you very much for supporting our parish family by conforming to these important standards (which are applicable to all Divine Services – not just Sunday Divine Liturgy)!


In the winter months we don’t really have to think about things like dresses that do not cover the shoulder or short pants, but in the summer we do - and summer weather is already upon us. A few practical tips in this regard:

• If you have a dress that does not cover your shoulders that you would like to wear to church that is just fine, but please cover your shoulders with a shawl or light sweater while in church
• Shorts are not appropriate in church. Somehow we struggle with this every spring and summer as a parish family. This is likely because this has not been made clear in the past and we ask the forgiveness of all for not being as clear as we should have been. So, to be as clear as possible: shorts should not be worn in church by anyone of any age at any time.
• JEANS and T-SHIRTS: too often gentlemen gloss over this sort of note as something that pertains only to women. NOT TRUE! We ask that parishioners come to church in dress casual clothes - not the clothes of the street or the garden. In some cases jeans could be appropriate - but that would be a somewhat rare exception. T-shirts are never acceptable unless worn under a sports coat or sweater. It is not fair for us to ask our female parishioners to be attentive to the standard and for our gentlemen to not have to make an effort as well. We all stand before God in the parish church. If we keep this in mind we will make our best decisions regarding what we wear to God's house.
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We Need Prosphora Bakers! 
12/6/15, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
We are thankful to have many Divine Liturgies in our parish. What this means, though, is that we need quite a bit of prosphora. Our present prosphora bakers are working hard – but they need more help! Can you bake? Even if you can't – are you willing to learn? We need your help – please step forward! Talk to Svetlana Mitchell, Leta Nikulshina, or Fr. Gregory if you can help/with questions.
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THIS COMING SUNDAY! Extraordinary Parish Meeting Information Available 
12/6/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
On Sunday, May 31 materials pertaining to our Extraordinary Parish Meeting set for June 14 were distributed to all present. Those who were not present should receive this information in the mail in the next few days. However, all meeting materials are available at the address below – please do review the materials and please do plan to join us on June 14 for the special meeting!

http://stvladimiraami.org/flyers/extrao ... -14-15.pdf
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Singing Together at Vigil - Continues this Saturday 
11/6/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Beginning Saturday, June 6, 2015 we will sing “Having beheld the Resurrection of Christ...” together as a congregation at each Saturday evening vigil going forward. Handouts will be provided. But if you'd like to practice a bit before we do this you can find the handout at the link below. Please check it out and please join us on Saturday evenings – vigil begins at 6:00 p.m.

http://stvladimiraami.org/flyers/having ... andout.pdf
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