Welcome to the Home Page of St. Vladimir Church! 

Today's Date According to the Church (Old) Calendar:

Regular Services:
Saturday Vigil: 6:00 p.m. (Except Pascha)
Sunday Divine Liturgy: 10:00 a.m. (Except Pascha)

Full Service Schedule:

Phone: (734) 475-4590
Address: 9900 Jackson Rd., Dexter, MI 48130-9426
Click for Directions | Google Map

Lampadas above the Royal Doors - Please be Attentive 
18/10/22, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

We ask all to be attentive to the system we have devised to help folks know when they can and when they cannot move about during the Divine Services to light candles, etc. Even as we ask all to be attentive we also ask all to be loving, and if someone clearly is not aware that we have reached a time in the Divine Service when we should be still that we share that information with them lovingly and in a way that will not cause embarrassment. Please contact Fr. Gregory with questions or concerns. The ideal time to venerate icons and light candles is before the Divine Liturgy if at all possible. If not possible - please attend to the lampadas above the Royal Doors!

See flyer here - printable version (legal size).

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Quarter 2, 2022 Stewardship Education Communication 
17/10/22, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

At the Parish Council meeting on March 11, 2017 a Stewardship Education Team was appointed by the Parish Council consisting of Fr. Gregory, Jack (Alexey) Mitchel, and Leta (Ksenia) Nikulshina. The charge of this team is to provide our parish family with educational information about stewardship. In this regard, we intend to send out an email and post on our parish web site a quarterly communication in preparation for a quarterly parish finance report out.

Please find the quarterly communication at the link below. Please note that we will have a question and answer period and report out during the parish meal on Sunday, October 20, 2022 to allow for questions in an open forum. However, please feel free to contact any of us, or any of the Parish Council members, with questions at any time. Or, if you prefer, use the second link below to ask a question or make a comment anonymously.

We thank you sincerely for your generous support of our parish! And we look forward to hearing from you at your convenience regarding this information.

2022 Quarter 2 Stewardship Education Communication

Ask a Question about this Communication

With Love in our Lord Jesus Christ,

Fr. Gregory, Jack, Leta



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Monday First Things - Teachings of the Holy Fathers 
17/10/22, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

You can’t stop smoking tobacco? What is impossible for man is possible with God’s help. Just firmly decide to quit, realizing how harmful it is for the soul and the body, since tobacco weakens the soul, and increases and strengthens the passions, darkens the mind, and destroys physical health with a slow death.

Venerable Ambrose of Optina
Living without Hypocrisy

How much more marijuana? -Fr. Gregory
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Scripture Reading for the Coming Week 
16/10/22, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

"This is the cause of all evils: the ignorance of the Scriptures. We go into battle without arms, and how ought we to come off safe?" -St. John Chrysostom, Homily IX on Colossians.

In order to help increase the general knowledge of scripture in our parish family we present here for your edification the scripture readings for the coming week. At least one Gospel Reading and one Epistle reading are assigned for each day of the year (although during Great Lent the readings are from the Old Testament). Hearing or reading only those readings appointed for Sunday merely scratches the surface of the great spiritual wealth that the scriptures provide us. Some of the readings are easily understandable – others are less so. As Orthodox Christians we do not make private interpretation of scripture, but rather consult the fathers of the Church for their explanations to aid us in our understanding. Those wishing to have access to such explanations are asked to contact Fr. Gregory or inquire in the kiosk for further reading in this regard. Bibles may also be acquired in the kiosk.

Monday: Philippians 1:1-7 & Luke 6:24-30
Tuesday: Philippians 1:8-14 & Luke 6:37-45
Wednesday: Philippians 1:12-20 & Luke 6:25-7:1
Thursday: Philippians 1:20-27 & Luke 7:17-30
Friday: Philippians 1:27-2:4 & Luke 7:31-35
Saturday: I Corinthians 15:58-16:3 & Luke 5:27-32

Ïîíåäåëüíèê: Ôèë. 1:1-7 è îò Ëóêè 6:24-30
Âòîðíèê: Ôèë. 1:8-14 è îò Ëóêè 6:37-45
Ñðåäà: Ôèë. 1:12-20 è îò Ëóêè 6:25-7:1
×åòâåðã: Ôèë. 1:20-27 è îò Ëóêè 7:17-30
Ïÿòíèöà: Ôèë. 1:27-2:4 è îò Ëóêè 7:31-35
Ñóááîòà: I Êîð. 15:58-16:3 è îò Ëóêè 5:27-32

Please find below several very nice articles on how to read the scripture from an Orthodox point of view.

By St. Justin (Popovich):


By Bishop Kalistos (Ware):

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Sunday Divine Liturgy on Now! 
16/10/22, 10:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Please join us for a live broadcast of today's Divine Liturgy beginning at 10:00 a.m. at the following link:



Please remember - the stream only broadcasts live services. If you would like to listen to previously recorded and edited services please visit our sound blog:


If you would like to view past services please visit our YouTube page:


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Sunday Publications Available Now 
16/10/22, 08:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Our parish Sunday publications are available now at the link below. Find our Prayer List, "Good News", and "Sunday Reading", plus other parish publications!

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Confession & Communion at St. Vladimir’s + Rule to Prepare for Communion 
16/10/22, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Confession and Communion are the two sacraments we most often partake of as Orthodox Christians and thus it behooves us to learn about these, how to prepare for these, and how to best take advantage of the Grace that our Lord freely gives us in these sacraments. At St. Vladimir’s we have created a special web site for this purpose with much information in this regard. Please find the web site listed below and please contact Fr. Gregory with questions!



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Special Needs Ministry - Time to Start Again! 
15/10/22, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Inspired by the incredible work of Fr. Vladimir Klimzo in Russia, and with the understanding that here in American the vast majority (perhaps up to 80% according to some studies) of families with special needs children or adult children do not attend church – ALTHOUGH THEY WOULD LIKE TO – we need to reestablish our Special Needs Ministry at St. Vladimir’s. We put this on hold for the pandemic. Surely there is no reason to wait any longer – we need to get back to work! Can you help? Please contact Fr. Gregory if you can. Not sure what to do? DO NOT WORRY! If you have a desire to help special needs children and adults, and their parents, you know all you need to know. The more experience you have with folks with special needs the better – but your desire to serve others in the name of Christ is what counts. We can teach you the rest!

Join us in providing a spiritual home for those seeking one, but struggling to connect with a parish family! Attend the services. Support those visiting. If we do our best, and we ask the Lord's blessing, we will do well.
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Singing Together - Time to Practice! 
14/10/22, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

There are several prayers that we sing together at St. Vladimir's. We want you to know this so that you can practice. :) And as we come out of the pandemic it is the perfect time to practice MORE! That way we will sing these with zeal - with power! WE SHOULD BE LIFTING THE ROOF WHEN WE SING THESE - THEY SHOULD BE SUNG VERY STRONGLY - ESPECIALLY THE CREED AND "HAVING BEHELD THE RESURRECTION..."

Saturday Vigil (and matins during Pentecost) - "Having Beheld the Resurrection of Christ"

Every Liturgy - "Symbol of Faith"

Every Liturgy - "Our Father"
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Join us this Weekend! 
14/10/22, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

All are welcome at St. Vladimir's! Please join us this Sunday! More information can be found at this link, and we encourage you to share this with family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers!



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