Welcome to the Home Page of St. Vladimir Church! 

Today's Date According to the Church (Old) Calendar:

Regular Services:
Saturday Vigil: 6:00 p.m. (Except Pascha)
Sunday Divine Liturgy: 10:00 a.m. (Except Pascha)

Full Service Schedule:

Phone: (734) 475-4590
Address: 9900 Jackson Rd., Dexter, MI 48130-9426
Click for Directions | Google Map

Brotherhood Work Day Saturday, July 18 
17/7/15, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
From our Head Brother:


If you have been wondering if you should show up for the workday Saturday, wonder no longer. You should. If you've been thinking there won't be enough to do, don't think that. There's lots to do, including:

~pulling out the fence along Jackson road
~moving boulders from the far SE corner of the property to under the cross in the field to make a "Golgatha"
~cutting down the dying tree by the bells & removing low spruce branches
~fixing the planter borders on the west side
~removing dirt: east & west sides

Enough? there will be more--I have one or two tasks in reserve-- because I know everyone likes a surprise.

Hope to see you Saturday at 10 AM


John W. Hill
Head Brother
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Saline Holiday Parade is December 5 – SAVE THE DATE! 
14/7/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Please join us for a fun missionary activity on Saturday, December 5, 2015. That afternoon Saline holds their annual holiday parade. This parade is generally very well attended and given that it is the holiday season many people will be thinking about faith. We want to let them know that we exist and that they would be welcome at St. Vladimir’s! Participating in the parade is one of the best ways we can do that. WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!

Please save the date now - more information to come in the early fall - but take a moment - right now - to get this on your calendar so nothing can steal its place the afternoon of December 5!
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Automatic Electronic Funds Transfer Available at St. Vladimir’s 
13/7/15, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Our parish now offers the option of setting up an automatic monthly payment to the parish for parishioners that prefer to make their offering in this way. This is called an “Automated Clearing House” or ACH payment. To learn more please contact our Starosta, Nathan Longan, or simply print out the form at this link and provide a hard copy to Nathan. Thank you all for your support of our parish family!

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Commemorating our Loved ones at the Divine Services 
13/7/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
We have a special web page at St. Vladimir's that is set up to facilitate commemoration of our friends and loved ones at the Divine Liturgy – THIS IS THE SINGLE BEST WAY TO PRAY FOR THEM. The page can be found a this address:

http://stvladimiraami.org/commemoration ... ions.shtml

There are several ways listed on that page to assure that your friends and loved ones are being prayed for at the Divine Services at St. Vladimir's. Another is to use this Google Doc to send us their names:


Names are commemorated at the Divine Liturgy, General Pannykhidas, and other appropriate Divine Services. It is our pleasure to provide this service to our parish family and friends.
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Our Elderly Parish Family Need Rides to Church 
10/7/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
We do not see our elderly parish family members at church on Sunday morning every week. In fact we do not see them all that often. The reason for this is: they need rides to church. And they need a little prompting sometimes in this regard since they don't want to be “a bother”. It is a privilege to serve our our elderly parish family members in this way and we need to be quite zealous about it. If you can help organize or participate in this ministry please contact Fr. Gregory. There are not a lot of folks that need rides, but they need to be contacted early in the week to arrange the Sunday ride, assured that they are not bothering anyone, and they need to be picked up in a timely manner on Sunday morning. One person doesn't have to do all this, and frankly speaking, based on where our elderly live, it would be impossible for one person to do it all. We need several people to help. Please contact Fr. Gregory to take part in this very honorable activity – an activity worth waking up early on Sunday morning to participate in.
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No Path this Week 
7/7/15, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
This week there will be no edition of The Path. Fr. Gregory is at ORPR camp all week and it is not possible to publish The Path from there. The Path will return on Wednesday, July 15.
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Please Help us Update our Database! 
7/7/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Approximately quarterly we ask you to help us keep our database updated by sending us information on your or your family that may have changed: new address, new cell phone, new email, etc. This is very, very helpful for us since there are times – rare though they are – that we may really need to get a hold of you. And although we do not send too much out via post anymore (since the overwhelming decision in the parish was to use email rather than post as a rule – unless someone specifically asks to receive information via post), it is still good to have your postal address since we MUST send out the annual meeting announcement and we generally use that mailing to send out the annual calendar too. And that mailing is coming up soon! Help us save money as a parish by having your correct contact information and assure that if there is an emergency we can get in contact with you quickly and easily. Send updates to info@stlvadimiraami.org or 9900 Jackson Rd., Dexter, MI 48130 or visit the link below. Thank you for your assistance!

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The Path & Vladcast – We Need YOUR Questions! 
6/7/15, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Please take a few minutes now and send a note to info@stvladimiraami.org with a question that you would like Fr. Gregory to address in a future edition of The Path or the Vladcast. Your questions are helpful! When we receive them we don't have to guess at what is important to cover – we KNOW what you want to hear because you yourself are telling us. Thank you for submitting your questions to make our podcasts more focused on our parish family's needs!
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St. Vladimir’s is an Electronic Gaming Equipment Free Zone 
4/7/15, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
At the Parish Council meeting on Sunday, July 22, 2014 the proliferation of Nintendo DS’, iPads, smart phones, and other similar portable electronic gaming equipment was discussed. The council decided to make our parish a “game free zone” during the times of the Divine Services. Thus, we ask all parents to see to it that ALL electronic gaming devices not be used during the Divine Services at St. Vladimir’s. It is very important that all parents support this policy, since if just one child brings an electronic game to the church it will attract and distract others from prayer or their other spiritual duties (such as serving in the altar or ringing the bells).

We are aware that the Divine Services can be somewhat long. It is understood that children, especially young children, need a break from time to time. However, older children and teenagers should be able to participate in the Divine Services without nearly the number of breaks that young children need. Children from age 7 or so are invited to serve in the altar, help to ring the bells, or sing in the choir. Those much older than that who need breaks (and we trust parents to make the best decision in this regard for their children) are encouraged to walk along the sidewalk around the parish church and contemplate the natural beauty that our Lord has given to us as a sign for His love for us before returning quickly to the church to continue to participate in the Divine Services. Please contact Fr. Gregory with questions or concerns about this new policy.
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WE ARE NOT JOKING - We Need Prosphora Bakers! 
2/7/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
We have been running this message for several weeks now. We aren't kidding – we really need help! Please volunteer today!!!

We are thankful to have many Divine Liturgies in our parish. What this means, though, is that we need quite a bit of prosphora. Our present prosphora bakers are working hard – but they need more help! Can you bake? Even if you can't – are you willing to learn? We need your help – please step forward! Talk to Svetlana Mitchell, Leta Nikulshina, or Fr. Gregory if you can help/with questions.
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