Welcome to the Home Page of St. Vladimir Church! 

Today's Date According to the Church (Old) Calendar:

Regular Services:
Saturday Vigil: 6:00 p.m. (Except Pascha)
Sunday Divine Liturgy: 10:00 a.m. (Except Pascha)

Full Service Schedule:

Phone: (734) 475-4590
Address: 9900 Jackson Rd., Dexter, MI 48130-9426
Click for Directions | Google Map

Bread for Good 
16/6/20, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

I have been baking bread for years now. I bake prosphora for the parish and it is common to find my bread served at trapeza or at other parish functions. We currently find ourselves separated from the services, but we cannot leave our Church unsupported monetarily as our clergy work for the benefit of us all. In order to assist the parish during this pandemic I will be selling bread and giving all of the profits to the church to put in the general parish fund. Lord willing this will settle down soon, and when things return to normalcy I will then donate the profits to the building fund. Perhaps someday we can say that bread builds buildings! I will be offering 1.6lb white and whole wheat sourdough loaves for $7 each on an order basis. I can take either cash or check. Stay healthy, and let me help you eat well! Subdeacon Colin Bower (313-949-5490 or cmbower10@gmail.com)
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Outdoor Liturgy Feedback Wanted! 
15/6/20, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Thank God we can now gather up to 100 people outside with appropriate physical distancing. Thus, until further notice we will hold Sunday Divine Liturgies outside – at least until the weather prohibits this in the late fall. For that reason we very much want your feedback! How could we do this better than we did this last Sunday? We appreciate everyone’s patience as we learn, but we also appreciate your ideas. Please email us at info@stvladimiraami.org to share your thoughts about how we can improve the outdoor Sunday Divine Liturgy going forward.

All other Divine Services throughout the week will be held inside the church as usual, but there are rules about attending Divine Services – you can learn more (and sign up to attend these Divine Services) here:


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Monday First Things: Teaching of the Holy Fathers 
15/6/20, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

“Behold, for years and generations, the way of God has been leveled by the cross and by death. How is this with thee, that thou seest the afflictions of the way as if they were out of the way? Doest not thou wish to follow the steps of the saints? Or doest thou wish to go a way which is especially for thee, without suffering? the way unto God is a daily cross. No one can ascend unto heaven with comfort, we know where the way of comfort leads.”

St. Isaac the Syrian
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Bring us Your Returnables! 
10/6/20, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Soon the stores will be taking returnables again. Buy why wait? Bring your returnables to St. Vladimir’s this Sunday, June 14! We help you clean up your garage – you help us by donating your cans and bottles. Thank you in advance for your support!
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Apostles' Fast Begins June 15 
9/6/20, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

This week is a fast-free week in preparation for the Apostles' fast which begins on Monday, June 15 and runs through the end of the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, July 12 (the feast of the Apostles Peter & Paul).

The full schedule of Divine Services denotes the strictness of the fasting days and can be found here:


Those who have questions about fasting should contact Fr. Gregory or Fr. Moses.
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Pentecost Thank You + Feedback Wanted! 
8/6/20, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Thank you to all who made our Pentecost weekend at St. Vladimir’s so wonderful! With God’s help we were able to serve the Divine Liturgy and preparatory services on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. And perhaps most wonderful of all: we were able to gather as a parish family for the first time in quite some time on Sunday for the Divine Liturgy! This is because we can now gather up to 100 people outside with appropriate physical distancing. It is likely that we will continue to serve outside like this every Sunday until the weather prohibits this in the late fall. For that reason we very much want your feedback! How could we do this better than we did on Sunday? We appreciate everyone’s patience as we learn, but we also appreciate your ideas. Please email us at info@stvladimiraami.org to share your thoughts about how we can improve the outdoor Sunday Divine Liturgy going forward.

Pentecost 2020 Photo Album

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Monday First Things: Teaching of the Holy Fathers 
8/6/20, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

“The fact that a man slips into accidental sins demonstrates the weakness of his nature; for to our profit God has permitted our nature to be susceptible to sinful occurrences. For He has not thought it good to make the soul superior to these occurrences before the second regeneration. It is profitable for the soul to be susceptible to accidental sins because this pricks the conscience. To persist in them is, however, audacious and shameful.”

St. Isaac the Syrian
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LIVE STREAM: Early Divine Liturgy 
7/6/20, 07:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Please join us for a live broadcast of today's early Divine Liturgy beginning at 7:00 a.m. at the following link:


Please remember - the stream only broadcasts live services. If you would like to listen to previously recorded and edited services please visit our sound blog:


Find the video live stream on our Facebook Page here:


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Stewardship During Quarantine 
6/6/20, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Our original appeal during the height of the pandemic crisis was very successful – and we are very thankful to all who provided prayerful and material support to our parish! We are coming out of quarantine now, but it is important that we convey to our parish family the needs of the parish. Please have a look at the letter at the link below. Then pray about this – ask the Lord to help you make the decision that makes the most sense to your family. We feel strongly that if all our parish family prayerfully consider this question all will be well.


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Lifting of Stay at Home Order & Divine Services 
5/6/20, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

As of Monday, June 1, the Michigan Stay at Home Order has been lifted. It is now possible for up to 100 people to gather, maintaining 6-foot distance, outside. Therefore, the late Divine Liturgy on Sundays will be held outside starting with Sunday, June 7. Mask are strongly recommended. Everyone household must maintain a 6-foot distance from every other household. Parish Council members will be available to help for those who have questions. Hands should be washed/sanitized at arrival, departure, and as needed on site.

Divine Services during the week will follow a new rule beginning on June 8. Each of the 18 physically spaced spots can be occupied by up to two people from the same household. Masks will continue to be required for the Divine Services inside the church. The sign up sheet for Monday, June 8 and going forward has been updated to reflect these changes. We appreciate your patience as we work out these new guidelines and how these apply to our parish. Except for the changes noted here we are still following our Quarantine Exit Plan. This can be found at the sign up sheet for this week (the sign up sheet has been modified to reflect the new plan for services inside the church):


Or the sign up sheet for next week:


Let us be diligent in making sure that St. Vladimir’s is a place that gives life – not that causes death. We hope that our zeal in following the Quarantine Exit Plan will help our state in our own small way to continue to exit the quarantine and never return!
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