Welcome to the Home Page of St. Vladimir Church! 

Today's Date According to the Church (Old) Calendar:

Regular Services:
Saturday Vigil: 6:00 p.m. (Except Pascha)
Sunday Divine Liturgy: 10:00 a.m. (Except Pascha)

Full Service Schedule:

Phone: (734) 475-4590
Address: 9900 Jackson Rd., Dexter, MI 48130-9426
Click for Directions | Google Map

Scripture Reading for the Coming Week 
14/4/19, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

"This is the cause of all evils: the ignorance of the Scriptures. We go into battle without arms, and how ought we to come off safe?" -St. John Chrysostom, Homily IX on Colossians.

In order to help increase the general knowledge of scripture in our parish family we present here for your edification the scripture readings for the coming week. At least one Gospel Reading and one Epistle reading are assigned for each day of the year (although during Great Lent the readings are from the Old Testament). Hearing or reading only those readings appointed for Sunday merely scratches the surface of the great spiritual wealth that the scriptures provide us. Some of the readings are easily understandable – others are less so. As Orthodox Christians we do not make private interpretation of scripture, but rather consult the fathers of the Church for their explanations to aid us in our understanding. Those wishing to have access to such explanations are asked to contact Fr. Gregory or inquire in the kiosk for further reading in this regard. Bibles may also be acquired in the kiosk.

Monday: Isaiah 48:17-49:4, Genesis 27:1-41, Proverbs 19:16-25
Tuesday: Isaiah 49:6-10, Genesis 31:3-16, Proverbs 21:3-21
Wednesday: Isaiah 58:1-11, Genesis 43:26-31; 45:1-16, Proverbs 21:23-22:4
Thursday: Isaiah 65:8-16, Genesis 16:1-7, Proverbs 23:15-24:5
Friday: Isaiah 66:10-24, Genesis 49:33-50:26, Proverbs 31:8-32
Saturday: Hebrews 12:28-13:8 & John 11:1-45

Please find below several very nice articles on how to read the scripture from an Orthodox point of view.

By St. Justin (Popovich):


By Bishop Kalistos (Ware):


This short article explains to us not just HOW to read the scriptures, but also what our goal should be in reading the scriptures. A short read and well worth it:


As noted in the article above we need God's help and blessing to read and understand the scriptures correctly. What better way to entreat God's help in this regard than through prayer? Please find the prayer before reading the scriptures here:

http://www.chrysostompress.org/prayer_b ... pture.html
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Weekly Bulletin Posted 
14/4/19, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Our weekly bulletin, "Sunday Reading", has been posted at the following link:

http://www.stvladimiraami.org/SundayRea ... eading.pdf
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Sunday Divine Liturgy - ON NOW! 
14/4/19, 10:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Please join us for a live broadcast of today's Divine Liturgy beginning at 10:00 a.m. at the following link:


Please remember - the stream only broadcasts live services. If you would like to listen to previously recorded and edited services please visit our sound blog:

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This Week's "The Good News" 
14/4/19, 08:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Please find this week's issue of "The Good News" at the link below. This bulletin/handout contains the Troparia and Kontakia that will be sung by the choir at today's Divine Liturgy as well as the readings from the Epistle and Gospel readings of the day - all in both English and Russian. This little bulletin is distributed to visitors and others who may find it useful by our parish Greeters on duty today at St. Vladimir's. We cordially invite you to join us at St. Vladimir's for Divine Liturgy at 10:00 a.m. - or any Sunday soon. You are always welcome at St. Vladimir's!

This Sunday's "The Good News":

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Weekly Parish Prayer List Posted  
14/4/19, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Please keep our parishioners, friends, and those who have asked us in our unworthiness to pray for them in your prayers this coming week. Our parish prayer list can be found here:

http://www.stvladimiraami.org/SundayRea ... erlist.pdf

PLEASE NOTE! We have removed those from the list that we believe no longer should be present there. If you requested that someone be included in this list please review it carefully to make sure we have not removed someone erroneously. If we have, please contact Fr. Gregory to have your loved one again added to the list.
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Young Adult Group Dinner is this Sunday 
12/4/19, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory


Please join us for our monthly dinner on Sunday, March 10, at 7:00 p.m. NOTE THE LATE START TIME! The topic will be "Great Lent begins TOMORROW! What are your plans? Have you put the services you plan to attend on your calendar? What services SHOULD you attend? How to get the most out of Great Lent!" PLUS: your questions on any topic! Sign up is here:



Here is the full schedule of our dinners for the year if you’d like to put them in your calendar now (a highly recommended suggestion!):


Fr. Gregory
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Church Work Day this Saturday! 
9/4/19, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Gentlemen: meet at 10:00 a.m. Ladies: meet at 2:00 p.m. (although ladies are welcome to come in the morning and men in the afternoon). We'll work inside, outside, and everywhere to clean up the grounds and the church and get ready for the great feast of our Lord's Resurrection. JOIN US!

Email info@stvladimiraami.org with questions!

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Standing of St. Andrew is this Wednesday 
9/4/19, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory




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Monday First Things - Teachings of the Holy Fathers 
8/4/19, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Always have the fear of God in your heart, and remember that God is always with you, everywhere, whether you are walking or sitting.

+ St. Gennadius of Constantinople
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Emergency Cards Available 
6/4/19, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

The diocese has provided each of our parishes with Emergency Cards. These cards are to be filled out and put in your wallet so that if it were ever to happen that you were in an accident or otherwise needed spiritual support, but could not speak for yourself, the authorities would find the card in your wallet and call Fr. Gregory to come to you. We hope none of our parishioners ever needs to use one of these cards, but it is a good idea to have one just in case. Please see Fr. Gregory if you have questions. Emergency cards can be found near the front doors - near the pamphlets that are available to all for free.
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