16/3/23, 06:00 AM

During Great Lent at all weekday services, and on many Saturdays (beginning even before Great Lent with the first Soul Saturday on February 26) the departed are specially commemorated.
Saturday, March 11
Saturday, March 18
Saturday, March 25
You can arrange commemoration of your friends and loved ones by visiting our special page in this regard here:
There is lots of good information there and you should read that all at some point. If you don’t have time to do that now please visit our on-line form to submit names (under the commemoration of the departed you can choose “Great Lent 2023: All Weekday Services + Soul Saturdays”):
If you are in a financial position to make a donation for commemorating your loved ones you can do that here – if you aren’t this is not a problem since the Church does not charge for prayer, but is thankful for donations in this regard: