27/6/22, 06:00 PM

We have a matching grant! For every board or sheet of drywall you buy between now and July 28 an anonymous donor will buy another! That is, your donation is doubled! If you give $5 – our school gets $10. What does that mean? OUR GOAL IS TO BUY EVERYTHING NEEDED INTERIOR CONSTRCTION BY OUR PARISH FEAST DAY: JULY 28! We can do this if we do it together – and with generous help from our anonymous donor.
To complete the inside of our school we need 650 2x4 boards and we need 425 sheets of drywall.
As of today we have sold 155 2x4s. Therefore we have 495 boards to go!
As of today we have sold 171 sheets of drywall. Therefore we have 254 sheets to go!
We ask only that you note what you are buying so we can keep track of how many boards are still left to go! You could also use Zelle if that is easier, with “treasurer@stvladimiraami.org” as the entity to transfer to. Or Venmo “@stvladimirchurch”. LET’S FINISH BUILDING OUR SCHOOL!