21/6/22, 06:00 AM

Please mark you calendars! Our Apocalypse Bible Study starts with a kickoff meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 22 AT STV. If you are interested or if you have questions please send an email to info@stvladimiraami.org. The books by Fr. Laurence Farley are in at the kiosk. Please buy yours soon! Fr. Gregory loaned his book to someone and it never made it back, so if you have his copy please do give it back to him (since all his notes are in it). If that doesn’t happen, well, we’ll start from scratch! We’ll also use Archbishop Averky’s book on the Apocalypse, but it is expensive, so texts will be shared at the meetings as needed. If you are coming to the meeting and could bring some refreshments please use the “info” mail above to volunteer. The full syllabus of the Bible Study can be found below.