Lazarus Saturday - All the Details 
13/4/22, 06:00 PM

Lazarus Saturday is the first day of Holy Week. This year the date is April 16. Each year this is a very full day for us - this year being no exception! Please note:

1. CHURCH SCHOOL GENERAL CONFESSION & COMMUNION: all young people of the parish are strongly encouraged to attend the Matins service on Friday at 6:00 p.m. and to confess during or after the service. The service is short - do not come late! Parents - you will have to drive. Please get this on your child's schedule now.

2. CHURCH SCHOOL IS NOT HELD AT 5:00 P.M. ON LAZARUS SATURDAY: Church School IS the Divine Liturgy and the partaking of Holy Communion on this day, as well as participating in the arranging of Palms and Pussy Willows after the Divine Liturgy. THERE IS NO CHURCH SCHOOL AT 5:00 P.M. THIS DAY!

3. VIGIL FOR PALM SUNDAY IS AT 6:00 P.M.: Please plan to join us for one of the great feasts of the Church – the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem where He is welcomed as King and God. This is the outward height of the Lord’s earthly Liturgy. We want to be with Him on this day. We do that by being present at the Divine Services where we are then mystically present with the Lord on the feast.

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