Volunteers Needed! 
19/6/21, 06:00 AM

We need you! There are many, many things that need to be done at our parish and it simply is inefficient to burn out people one or two at a time by asking one or two people to do more than their share. It is much better for everyone to pitch in and share the work so that no one burns out – this is how a family works. This year at our annual meeting we will discuss volunteer efforts as part of membership. That is, that sweat equity will be a part of what we, as parish family members, donate to the parish. Each of us only has time, talent, and treasure to give. Everyone understands about the treasure part. We need to pay bills. But we are under-utilizing the vast storehouse of time and talent found in our parish family! Let us begin to tap into that storehouse today! Visit the web site below to learn more about how you can help our parish family with your time and talent!


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