New Furnace for the Church 
23/2/21, 06:00 AM

The church has two furnaces actually, and thank God for that. When the one in the back (west end) of the church failed, the other one was able to pick up the heating slack and keep the pipes from bursting and from any other damage to the church. The old furnace was replaced this last week and if you’d like to help offset this cost please contact our treasurer, Mikhail Fisenkov, at

Those who are tithing are probably thinking: why are we asking for help? If everyone is tithing we shouldn’t have to ask the parish for this type of help. That is correct! But not everyone has established a tithe. That is OK - we are not mad. :) But this is what each of us should be striving for: to answer this spiritual question (because tithing is not a financial question – it is a spiritual one). So please have a look at this page, where you can learn more about how and why, we as Orthodox Christians, should make this decision long before we come to church on Sunday morning - and please contact Fr. Gregory or any of our Parish Council members with questions:


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