Confession & Communion Gudelines 
15/7/19, 06:00 PM

A soft reminder that it is the tradition of the Church that we partake of the sacrament of Confession before we partake of Holy Communion. Those who live less than 30 minutes from the parish, are not very old, very sick, or very young should (and by "should" we mean “must”) confess at Vigil the evening before partaking of Holy Communion. We notice that some folks who DO live more than 30 minutes away are at Vigil regularly – but don’t go to confession then, but rather the morning of the Liturgy. That is just silly! :) Everyone who is at Vigil and plans to partake the next day should confess – no matter where they live. Confession before Liturgy is reserved for those who live far away, those who are very old, very sick, or very young. But if the young, the old, and the sick are at Vigil they should not wait until the next morning! Please contact Fr. Gregory or Fr. Moses with questions, or visit our web page dedicated to this topic, which has LOTS of resources:


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