Church Etiquette Series this June 
23/5/19, 06:00 AM

We are often asked about this topic. Is it ever OK to talk in Church? How do we greet our friends when we see them in Church? When is it allowed to walk about during the services? Or is it ever? What to do if we see a child or adult clearly violating decorum? Who makes these decisions? We do not have a shared understanding of these and many other questions of etiquette in our parish. That is not something unique to our parish by any means. But this causes temptations for everyone. We can’t stop all temptations, but we can work on educating ourselves in this regard and being more clear about expectations. In order to help us come to a shared understanding that will make this part of parish life easier for everyone we will hold a series of lectures and discussions in this regard in June of this year. Please begin to think of issues you would like to discuss – and solve – when we hold this series. We hope that what will come from this effort are clear guidelines that will allow everyone to be more at peace when worshiping at St. Vladimir’s. If you would like to share a thought or a suggestion in this regard please email

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