Walk of Life Thank You! 
6/9/16, 06:00 PM
Much hard work went into our parish hosting the second annual Walk of Life Pilgrimage these last few days. And there are many, many people to thank. THANK YOU ALL! This was a really significant undertaking - and just before our festival for the second year in a row. As most are aware, the plan was to hold the pilgrimage elsewhere this year, but that could not be done and so we had the honor of hosting the pilgrims for a second time. We simply cannot say thank you enough! We have an active parish, and it is important that this activity be shared by many. If you did not have a chance to volunteer for the pilgrimage please make sure to do so for the festival. We must share the love of labor for the sake of Christ so that we do not burn out those who are the most willing to serve! We all have a duty to conduct ministry - to serve others - and we do our best as a parish family to facilitate that duty. Please do your best to take advantage of these opportunities!

Many pictures and other information is being posted now. Please check our parish and the diocesan Facebook pages for more information on the Walk of Life!

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