Patriarch Kyrill and Pope Francis to Meet in Cuba February 12 
5/2/16, 12:00 PM
According to a joint press release by the Moscow Patriarchate and the Vatican, Patriarch Kyrill and Pope Francis will meet in Cuba on Friday, February 12 - one week from today. The western media has already begun to report things about the impending end of the schism between East and West. This seems a bit optimistic, and neither the Moscow Patriarchate nor the Vatican are claiming anything of the sort. Perhaps this will be the beginning of a long process that will end the schism, and of course that would be welcome. If all can unite in truth. But for now, let us pray that the meeting will be fruitful and lead to further constructive dialogue between the two largest Christian Churches. More information can be found at the links below. Please contact Fr. Gregory with questions or concerns.



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