Children's Liturgy + Church School Finale is December 19 
8/12/15, 06:00 AM
December 19 marks the feast of the patron saint and protector of children St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. At St. Vladimir's we will have a Children's Liturgy on this day. Our Youth Choir will sing, young boys will serve as altar servers, young people will ring the bells, work in the kiosk, take up the collection, prepare the meal after the Liturgy, etc. Our young people will do everything associate with this Liturgy! Please take a moment now to sign up your child for the various duties associate with this Liturgy at this link:

As is our usual practice with our Children's Liturgies, our Church School will meet after the Liturgy on this day and WILL NOT MEET IN THE AFTERNOON.

ALL YOUNG PEOPLE OF THE PARISH ARE URGED TO PREPARE THEMSELVES AND TO PARTAKE OF HOLY COMMUNION ON THIS DAY! Confessions will of course be held on the evening before. As the Liturgy begins at 9:00 a.m. there will be little time for Confession in the morning. Parents – please arrange for your child to confess at the evening service on 12/18/15 or earlier.

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