Fr. Gregory Needs Help – with Editing 
17/11/15, 06:00 AM
Our audio and video ministry is big and it is important. But it is difficult from a time perspective for Fr. Gregory to do all the editing of these files before they are posted. This is not hard work, and in fact it is quite pleasant work (Fr. Gregory states that he likes to do this – but there is simply not ample time to do this as quickly as it needs to be done). Can you help? Would you be willing to spend an hour or two per week editing the raw audio and video files we generate into publishable work? This is a great way for one or two of our parishioners to execute a ministry that really MAKES A DIFFERENCE to so many both within our parish family and all over the world. Thank you for your consideration. Please contact Fr. Gregory if you can help or if you would like to learn more!

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