Brotherhood Work Day Saturday, July 18 
17/7/15, 06:00 PM
From our Head Brother:


If you have been wondering if you should show up for the workday Saturday, wonder no longer. You should. If you've been thinking there won't be enough to do, don't think that. There's lots to do, including:

~pulling out the fence along Jackson road
~moving boulders from the far SE corner of the property to under the cross in the field to make a "Golgatha"
~cutting down the dying tree by the bells & removing low spruce branches
~fixing the planter borders on the west side
~removing dirt: east & west sides

Enough? there will be more--I have one or two tasks in reserve-- because I know everyone likes a surprise.

Hope to see you Saturday at 10 AM


John W. Hill
Head Brother

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