Church School Pilgrimage is December 12-14, 2014 
5/12/14, 06:00 PM
With Bishop Peter's blessing we will hold our first Church School pilgrimage this year December 12-14. We invite all our Church School students, parents, and teachers to participate in this spiritually important growth opportunity! Pilgrimage is a venerable tradition of the Orthodox Church – visiting and supporting monasteries helps the monks and nuns do their important work: praying for the entire world. Such a pilgrimage with our Church School also helps the young people to see that monasticism is a real option in life – something that they can either engage in or at the very least support. The health of the Church has always been measured by the health of the monasteries. Participating in pilgrimages helps to strengthen these crucially important spiritual institutions. Our pilgrimage will be to Holy Dormition Convent in Rives Junction, MI. This is a beautiful monastery with many divine services, scenic views, and a very nice guest house. We have reserved the entire guest house – 24 beds. We have many more students, parents, and teachers than this, so PLEASE reserve your space right away by contacting our Church School Coordinator, Lilia Vershynin!

UPDATE: We have started a waiting list since we have filled the guest house. We are working with the sisters in Rives Junction to prepare a program for our pilgrims who will be there overnight as well as those who can only visit during the day. Even though the overnight slots are filled we urge all that want to participate to sign up with Lilia so that we can let the nuns know how many day and overnight pilgrims we will have. Please join us!

UPDATE II: We have had such a huge response to this pilgrimage that we are going to break the group into two. This will allow everyone to have the opportunity to stay overnight at the monastery. More information will soon be forthcoming. Thank you all for your understanding and for the great response!

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