30/4/24, 12:00 PM

A. Please Read and Share: Archbishop Peter’s Nativity Epistle
B. Please Watch and Share: Fr. Josiah Trenham on Church Schools and the Future of Orthodoxy
C. Please Read and Share: Interview with Fr. Gregory in the Sun Times
D. Please Watch and Share: Video from Fr. Gregory Regarding our Ann Arbor Orthodox Classical Academy
E. Please Read and Share: How we can Best Support our Parish School on Blogtushka
F. Join us! This is a Parish Family Issue! We are ALL called to hearken until Archbishop Peter’s instructions and ACT! Fr. Gregory’s video and the piece on Blogtushka give us the details of how we do this at STV. Join the winning team – invest in our school to invest in our parish to invest in the spread of Orthodox Christianity in Michigan to invest in the spread of Orthodox Christianity in America. It starts with us! It can be as small as http://stvladimiraami.org/flyers/A2OCAf ... ]SHARING THIS FLYER[/url]. Let us labor in the Lord’s Vineyard!