23/6/23, 12:00 PM

At our parish council meeting on Sunday we had a short discussion about our work days and who is participating. The parish council is thankful for those who are laboring diligently at these special opportunities to serve the Lord by serving the parish which He has entrusted to our care.
But we would like to see a broadening of the support at these work days. Not because the work needs to be done. But because it is good for your salvation to serve God. And this kind of work brings us together as a parish family. And it is bad for your salvation to never participate in such opportunities. We give you many opportunities to serve so that you can choose some to engage in that work best for your schedule.
No one is expected to do everything. But the reality is: a few people ARE doing everything. That is wrong on the family level (each child must do his chores, or, if you prefer an Orwellian reference: some animals are not more equal than others). To be clear, if you have another ministry in which you serve the Church we are very thankful! But we still need you to pitch in and help from time to time at our parish family work days. Everyone needs to help and everyone can help: clergy, choir, brotherhood, sisterhood, children. This is OUR parish - not someone else's parish.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Our next work day is this Saturday, June 24 at 10:00 a.m. We look forward to seeing you there! And if you can't make it - keep an eye out for upcoming opportunities (there will be many!).
In Christ,
Fr. Gregory, Rector
Jack Mitchell, Starosta
Mark Kaphaem, Head Brother
Ksenia Nikulshina, Head Sister