11/11/22, 06:00 PM

Inspired by the incredible work of Fr. Vladimir Klimzo in Russia, and with the understanding that here in American the vast majority (perhaps up to 80% according to some studies) of families with special needs children or adult children do not attend church – ALTHOUGH THEY WOULD LIKE TO – we need to reestablish our Special Needs Ministry at St. Vladimir’s. We put this on hold for the pandemic. Surely there is no reason to wait any longer – we need to get back to work! Can you help? Please contact Fr. Gregory if you can. Not sure what to do? DO NOT WORRY! If you have a desire to help special needs children and adults, and their parents, you know all you need to know. The more experience you have with folks with special needs the better – but your desire to serve others in the name of Christ is what counts. We can teach you the rest!
Join us in providing a spiritual home for those seeking one, but struggling to connect with a parish family! Attend the services. Support those visiting. If we do our best, and we ask the Lord's blessing, we will do well.