27/5/22, 12:00 PM

The Ann Arbor Orthodox Classical Academy (A2OCA) school board is seeking additional volunteers to join the board who are passionate about offering children a quality, Orthodoxy education in the classical education tradition. Our new school building is under construction, and we are currently working towards planning and offering a microschooling program and online program for the 2022-2023, as well as a 5-day program the following school year (2023-2024). We need your help to make this happen! If you are interested in learning more about A2OCA feel free to visit our website at a2oca.org and/or e-mail us at info@a2oca.org. If you are interested in volunteering your time and talents towards this important cause, kindly e-mail us at info@a2oca.org to let us know by June 15, 2022. Board terms begin in July and run for two years. If you have experience in communications and/or marketing that would be a plus, but not a requirement.
For more information on our school and classical education, we offer the following links for your consideration:
A2OCA's Mission
The mission of Ann Arbor Orthodox Classical Academy is to provide a classical education in an Orthodox Christian environment, allowing our students to grow to their full human and spiritual potential, with the ability to engage society as mature followers of Jesus Christ.
On Classical Christian Education
Dr. Andrew Kern (an Orthodox Christian) talks about what classical education is