3/5/22, 06:00 AM

We had superb Youth Groups Sunday! Thank you to all who supported the efforts at Forest Hill Cemetery for the greeting of our departed loved ones and parish family members there with the feast of the Resurrection! And especially to those who stayed after the service and walked through the cemetery with the kids telling the stories of those who are there – those that came before us and made it possible for us to even have a parish in Ann Arbor, and all the hard work they did on our behalf. We hope the young people got the message: we work here and now for those who will come after us. We will not see most of the fruit that comes from our God-pleasing labors. But future generations will! And they too will thank us and pray for us for the work we do on behalf of the Church here and now. So let us continue to work, thanking those who came before us, and investing in those that will come after us.
The Young Adult group met at Fr. Gregory’s for a barbecue later in the evening and it was a super turnout with super conversations. Lots of fun, and lots of learning and sharing. The next Youth Group meetings will be on June 26 – please mark your calendars now for that afternoon!