Being an Authentic Parish 
23/2/19, 06:00 AM

Why do we seek to be an active parish? Living one's faith is part of being an Orthodox Christian. We do not believe in the abstract - we live our faith from the Divine Services, to the Youth Group, to Bible Studies, to our Church School, to our English Divine Service outreach, to our Brotherhood, our Sisterhood, and more. We LIVE our faith. And in case you're not sure that this is really authentic for an Orthodox Christian, please read this letter from Archbishop Peter in this regard:


Now that you have read our ruling hierarch's letter, please talk to Fr. Gregory. It is understood that not everyone can do everything. But everyone should do what they can. We all have a ministry - please pray about what yours is/should be. And then volunteer to support your ministry, your parish family, and those who are not yet part of the parish family but will be in the future, attracted by the way the love of Christ shines forth from our parish family through our sincere efforts to serve God and our fellow man through being an active parish!

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