Bishop Peter Visit Thank You! 
2/4/15, 12:00 PM
Thank you to all who made the visit of Bishop Peter to St. Vladimir's the evening of March 31 such a great success! His Grace led the sacrament of Unction at St. Vladimir's. Six priests served the sacrament with Bishop Peter while two additional priests heard confessions. More than 100 people were anointed with the oil blessed during the service. There were so many people in church that we had to open the back doors of the church so that the crowd could spill out onto the driveway! Following the anointing the St. Xenia Sisterhood provided a really delicious and plentiful meal to all. What a wonderful blessing for our parish and our Michigan Deanery at the end of the Great Lent. Thank you to everyone who worked openly and "behind the scenes" to make Vladyka's visit so special!

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